A Sky Full of Magic

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Twinkle twinkle little star

Have you ever looked up at the sky at night and wondered about the sparkles that brighten up the dark area above?
These illuminating objects are known as stars and provide a fascinating insight into the secrets of the universe. But before we delve into these secrets, let's find out some information about these bright lights.

What are stars?

Stars are celestial objects composed mostly of hydrogen and helium that emit light and heat through nuclear fusion in their cores. The light from stars is what we see as "twinkling" in the night sky.

How big are Stars?

Stars come in various sizes and are often measured in solar radii or masses. These are categorised by the following:
Dwarf stars: Smallest, like red dwarfs, can be about 0.1 times the Sun's mass.
Main Sequence Stars: Average sized stars (like our Sun), have a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers.
Giant Stars: This type forms when stars evolve, and can be hundreds of times larger than the Sun's diameter.
Supergiant Stars: Larger than giants, having a diameter, thousands of times larger than our Sun.
Hypergiant Stars: The largest known stars, with a diameter over 1700 times of the Sun.

Famous Stars

Polaris: Also known as the "North Star", located near the North Celestial Pole, Polaris remains almost stationary in the northern sky. It has been a crucial navigational reference point for centuries.
Siris: Also known as the "Dog Star", this is the brighest star in our night sky. Sirius, is part of the Canis Major constellation. It's luminosity and promincence make it easily noticeable.
The Southern Cross: Also known as Crux, is one of the most distinctive and recognisable constellations in the southern hemisphere's night sky, it is made up on four main stars:
Alpha Cruis, Beta Cruis, Gamma Cruis and Delta Cruis.

Where to get the best view

The best time for stargazing is usually on a clear, moonless night, away from the city lights. Some views, for example out in the country, will have the milkway visible.

Stars in the Sky
