More Marvel than Malevolence

While Australians may not have the opportunity to witness the upcoming solar eclipse in person, we are in for a special treat later this month.

On the morning of 22 April, astronomy enthusiasts will be able to view the rare “Devil Comet” that will be visible in Australia for the first time in 70 years.

Comet 12/P Pons-Brooks is predicted to be larger than Mount Everest and is a result of cryo-volcanic eruptions of ice, as the comet gets closer to the sun, the ice heats up, causing it to evaporate into a gas which produces a fuzzy green haze that looks like a horned tail, which is where the name “Devil Comet” comes from, it is also known as “Mother of Dragons.”

The question everyone is asking…..Is Earth in danger?

Now with all the latest movies, in particular the one I happened to watch over the weekend, called “Greenland” and with an ominous name like “Devil Comet,” should we be worried about it hitting Earth………no, there is no danger to Earth from this comet. Scientists and Astronomers have actually known about this comet since 1812 but observations weren’t precise enough to predict exactly when or where it would return so it was then rediscovered in 1883. However, more modern astronomers have been recreating a timeline of the comet and believe it may be as early as 1385. So even though this comet is inside the orbit of Earth, it is still not even as close as our sister planet, Venus.

The last time it was at the closest point to the sun was in 1954 so this is an event you do not want to miss. Astronomers also believe it may even be visible during the solar eclipse because of its orbit near the sun, making it a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Devils Comet Orbit
Credit: 3D Solar System Viewer, Background Image: ESO/S. Brunier

So where do you look to view it?

The comet can be located in the sky by finding Venus (which burns bright before dawn), and looking below it in a line between the sun, just above the horizon.

Where to view DC

Let me know if you plan to view it on the 22nd April 😊


  1. Imagine if you worked out that I was actually, Satan.
    That would be ‘Unmasking the Devil’s Comment’.


    Also, do think there were Maxibon’s in 1385?
    Me neither.

  2. Awesome. I watched Greenland some time ago on payTV, Netflix, I think. Thank you for your insightful and detailed posts. These will keep your website alive, and us coming back for more…

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